Anatoly Sokolov先生
IHEP(Institute of High Energy Physics),
Protvino, Russia 教授

Search and study of new transitions of bottomonia
Υ(5S,4S) → Υ(nS) h+ h at the Belle experiment.




理学部 新B棟2階 B1207室


A method of looking for bottomonia transitions has been developed at the Belle collaboration. This method allowed to find and study transitions between Υ(4S) and Υ(1S) states with the emission of charged pions using of data collected with the Belle detector at the KEKB asymmetric-energy e+ e collider. The branching fraction and partial width of this transition has been measured. The dynamics of this decay was studied. The Υ(5S) decay to Υ(nS) and π(K)+ π(K) has been observed at the Belle experiment for the first time. The measured partial width exceeds by more than two orders of magnitude the partial widths for dipion transitions between lower Upsilon resonances. The reasons for this phenomenon are discussed.

Anatoly Sokolov教授が中心となって測定した Υ(5S) → Υ(nS) π(K)+ π(K) 過程は、bクオーク対を含むハドロンの分光学において非常に興味深い 反応です。この過程についてBelle実験のデータを用いた最新の測定結果について 講演していただきます。